Robert Lauer - initiator of the Flevum initiative -spoke about Durable Datacenters during the "Climate Week" of the Royal IGC (Industrieele Groote Club)
Amsterdam, 21 June 2022 - On the longest day of the year, Robert Lauer, founder of LauerLogic and initiator of the Flevum project and Durable Datacenters spoke at the IGC. After the introduction and out-line of the evening by Theo Loth, chairman of the ICT- table, the audience listened to the the first speaker of the evening, Stijn Grove. As director of the industry association DDA (Dutch Datacenter Association) he gave much insight on the sustainability efforts and results of the hundreds of datacenters he represent.
Let start in Velsen (Flevum) and proof that Data Centers can make a great contribution to the "Green Deal" and sustainability.
People can complain about datacenters but they can hardly live without their mobile phone, laptop and iPad and as a result we have undeniably become dependent on the (computing) power of data centers.
Stijn Grove expressed the importance to our country of the high datacenter density and showed the part of energy they consume.
Robert showed that their energy waste should be part of the equation. Just as lamps give light & heat, datacenters give datastream & heat. With NextGen cooling the processors are working in a 70 degree Celsius liquid stream of non-toxic fluid - perfect for heat exchange with regional heat rings.
But more important - Durable Datacenters have a more than 50% energy efficiency and deliver their heat to regional heating systems for the people nearby.
Current digitization also helps to achieve the climate targets set, but at the same time, the data centers that make this possible are also major consumers of energy. The sector is in full swing and is investing and innovating heavily in the field of data center sustainability.
Robert Lauer gave the Durable Datacenter vision and how a datacenter can be part of the solution.
Key to Robert's presentation is the lack of efficiency and the waste of power into warm air from the residu at datacenters. By starting with Liquid Cooling of Computer processors you can get rid of the pre -cooling and air flow based disposal of heat.
That gives enormous reduction of space a whole overhaul of the typical datacenters. Durable Datacenters are more compact en can reside above and underground and can be part of a complex like Vattenfall and Tata Steel in Velsen - Noord and can help to transform areas into Green Business Areas.
The Flevum project responds well to these developments. The aim is to realize sustainable datacenters in a green zone around the existing heavy industry in the IJmond, which is already transforming into 'clean', including around the Tata Steel site.
In this park-like environment there is room for new economic activities related to data centers and ICT. The groundbreaking element in the Flevum project is that the residents of the IJmond can benefit from these plans from the cheap residual heat generated by data centers, as compensation for the disadvantages they have experienced from living near heavy industry.
Interesting topics and great evening at the Royal IGC in the heart of Amsterdam, about the crucial role of data centers in a world of exponential growth of digital information and transformation. The evening was of great interest and perfectly well organized by Theo Loth and we thank the Koninklijke Industrieele Groote Club team for the superb hosted event.
Durable Datacenters delivers much more...
For years there has been a demand for more policy with regard to data centers from the government, because burning green energy for the outside air is not an option. Certainly not after the broadcast of 11 Oct. 2020 in which Arjan Lubach pays attention to the Hyperscale data centers in the top of North Holland in his Evening Show. And on March 21, 2022, his broadcast also turned the mood about the construction of Meta's data center to be tilted considerably.
The Durable Datacenter team also hopes for a good conversation with Arjan - several have been members of the VPRO for years. But the real change will have to come from the large tenants and the local industries, government and residents to achieve a better symbiosis for all parties with regional data centers. That starts with proper industry planning by the ministry and regulatory authorities.
"Law of the Inhibiting Lead"
Historically, data centers have appeared around AMS-IX in the Amsterdam region. Then further and further inland - also in places where too little power was available via the already overloaded high-voltage lines. Within the Flevum project we turned the question around and asked ourselves how this could be done better.

Traditionally, data centers are powered via high voltage pylons
Data centers as part of the solution...
The Flevum project establishes Durable Data Centers between the power station and the transformers that supply the high-voltage power lines. This reduces the burden on the high-voltage lines. In addition, Durabel Data Centers can become power supply stabilizers through a number of innovations.

It makes sense to feed Durable Data Centers near power stations
p.s. Arjan you can reach me here - Regards Robert Lauer
During the presentation we also launched our "Durable Datacenters" video clip
Buffel Producties did a fantastic job...
Telling our story for the first time is a many years back and the start of the Flevum initiative and what became the Durable Datacenters was in 2018.
In great co-operation with Buffel Producties, we could tell our story on video. Preparation, production, multi-camera shooting, directing. Buffel Productions created all-original content and had from first to final version in less then a weekend. That's the advantage of working widths motivated professionals. Many thanks to Guido & Buffelproducties.